Concept of hyper-converged architectures as a risk taker business idea launching upwards when the competition is afraid to move as a 3D illustration.

Embracing Hyper-Converged Architectures with Fujitsu PRIMEFLEX

As speed becomes increasingly important, the proximity of data to compute power can help to reduce latency and improve performance. Hyper-converged architectures are emerging as a compelling alternative to traditional discrete storage solutions, especially when you realise that these technologies can accelerate the deployment of new capacity too. By integrating server and storage functionalities into […]

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Oracle ODA 19.22 has shipped, bringing new features and functionality to the Oracle Database Appliance.

Oracle ODA v19.22 ships. So what?

Oracle recently announced the release of ODA v19.22 for Oracle Database Appliances. As always, this raises the important question, ‘So what?’ This is what you need to know: Oracle SE2 arrives on the X10 appliance Perhaps the biggest development is the addition of Oracle Standard Edition 2 database support for ODA X10 appliances. This new feature allows SME users to take advantage

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data management storage west midlands

5 Steps to Maximising Value from Your Data

The age of digital transformation has arrived precisely because organisations understand the value and power of their data. Making better use of corporate information stores is critical to meeting the challenges and demands of customers now and into the future. Storage manufacturer Fujitsu has identified five key steps to maximising value from data: 1. Data exploration Essentially, understanding what data assets

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cloud based solutions west midlands

Solving AI’s sovereignty problem with Oracle Cloud Services

AI-based systems will be an integral aspect of future operations for many organisations. However, most public cloud services cannot meet strict data compliance regulations. It is impossible to know where data entered into ChatGPT is being stored and processed for instance – which means users cannot guarantee it is not being transferred to another legal

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