cloud infrastructure

Why Oracle SPARC for your Data Centre

Why Oracle SPARC still has a place in your data centre

Despite the general trend towards cloud computing, there will almost always be a need for onsite data storage and processing. Given that hardware ages at the same time as stakeholders become increasingly demanding, you will inevitably need to refresh your data centre hardware periodically. So why should you choose Oralce SPARC systems instead of cheaper,

Why Oracle SPARC still has a place in your data centre Read More »

Realising the Value of Modernising Your Legacy Infrastructure

Techopedia defines a legacy system as an outdated system, language or application that is used instead of available upgraded systems. The term “legacy” is often used pejoratively, but the reality is that most organisations do have some legacy infrastructure. It can be problematic as it gets older, becoming incompatible with new and emerging apps and

Realising the Value of Modernising Your Legacy Infrastructure Read More »

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