

Containerisation – Building a Resilient Future

Cloud platforms have forever changed corporate IT. Infinite scalability coupled with a pay-as-you-use billing model allow dev teams to accelerate deployment and deliver improved services faster without significant capital investment. Now the introduction of containers is set to change the game again. With the  containerisation of business computing workloads being seen as the next step

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hybrid cloud computing

How Your Business Could Benefit from a Hybrid Cloud Approach

In the not-too-distant past, many firms proudly promoted their “cloud first” strategies. By moving infrastructure and applications to the cloud, these adventurous organisations hoped to increase operational flexibility (and reduce costs). Over time it has become apparent that some workloads are not currently suited to hosted platforms. Anything that is time sensitive (IoT and real

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Why Oracle SPARC for your Data Centre

Why Oracle SPARC still has a place in your data centre

Despite the general trend towards cloud computing, there will almost always be a need for onsite data storage and processing. Given that hardware ages at the same time as stakeholders become increasingly demanding, you will inevitably need to refresh your data centre hardware periodically. So why should you choose Oralce SPARC systems instead of cheaper,

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