Stimulate innovation with your choice of Oracle infrastructure

Digital transformation is all about doing things differently, using data to develop new solutions to changing customer demands and operating requirements. So it makes perfect sense that your Oracle infrastructure must also drive innovation if it is to help you achieve your strategic objectives.

To enable innovation at speed, your chosen infrastructure must have these four features:

  • Built-in automation
  • Thin-cloning technology
  • Ability to scale out smoothly
  • Access to data across your entire IT estate

But why do these features matter so much?

1. Deploy new projects faster

The faster you can bring new products and services into production, the faster you can begin generating a return on investment – or serving your customers better. Choosing infrastructure that offers built-in automation reduces deployment time – and the risk of costly human error. This means your team can focus more time and resources on innovation instead of preparation, staging and deployment activities.

2. Shorten development cycles

Thin-cloning technology allows you to duplicate large volumes in seconds, perfect for rapid development and testing. And because your team is working on clones, there’s no risk of corruption in your production databases during testing, which means that innovation cannot affect operations until you’re satisfied everything is working correctly.

3. Unlimited, seamless scalability

Your data estate will only ever continue to grow – as will the demands placed on it. You need infrastructure that can scale capacity and power without disruption or downtime, automatically, to prevent bottlenecks that would otherwise stifle innovation.

4. Improved decision making

Access to data is critical to making informed decisions – and with the ability to view information across your entire estate, you have all the context required to make the smartest choices. Equally important is speed – the faster you can access that information, the quicker you can make strategic decisions that could have a significant impact on operations.

Ultimately you face a choice – do you want infrastructure that maintains the status quo (and potentially limits innovation potential), or do you want a platform that facilitates and encourages new ways of working? Because your choice of technology will have a significant impact on the performance and potential of your Oracle-based systems. Selecting the right provider could have an exponential impact on your digital transformation programs.

Ready to learn more about how to choose the Oracle infrastructure you need to support your most ambitious digital transformation efforts? Give the WTL team a call  today for advice.

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