
Oracle spare servers for enterprise infrastructure and data centres in Birmingham

Why Oracle SPARC?

Choosing server technology is an important part of any businesses’ technology strategy and there are many factors affecting the decision. IT leaders should factor in the business platforms it should be running, will they be frontline applications or backup files, will it be cloud based or on premises, does it need to consolidate an existing […]

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Oracle Solaris as the best managed service in Birmingham and The West Midlands from WTL

Don’t be a dedicated follower of fashion. Choose the best OS for the job.

Solaris has been the number one UNIX operating system for over 25 years, and while it might not spring to mind as the enterprise OS of choice today, there are many reasons why it still rates very highly by users. Most enterprises are using Oracle Solaris in their business somewhere, but if you are considering

Don’t be a dedicated follower of fashion. Choose the best OS for the job. Read More »

Shows opened padlock to represent security threat

Why automation will become the most reliable way of preventing, detecting, and mitigating security threats

Modern organisations are taking advantage of new and innovative technology, transforming their business operations, continuously improving efficiencies, delivering high levels of customer service, and unearthing new opportunities for products and services that wouldn’t have been conceivable 5-10 years ago. This transformation comes at a price however, and the same technologies used to drive businesses forward

Why automation will become the most reliable way of preventing, detecting, and mitigating security threats Read More »

Oracles cloud based solutions in Birmingham & the West MIdlands

Next Generation Cloud – Why you should be looking at Oracle

There is no doubt that the use of cloud technology is no longer just about cost and capacity, or cheap servers and storage. Analysts Forrester said it’s about using the best platform to turn innovative ideas into software quickly. Taking innovation to market fast is what sets businesses apart from their competitors, and the cloud

Next Generation Cloud – Why you should be looking at Oracle Read More »

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